SMSF 常见问题解答
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use the equity in an existing SMSF property as a "deposit" for the next SMSF property I want to buy?No, under regulations, SMSFs cannot use an existing property within the SMSF as security for another investment property. If you have questions around securities for SMSF lending, talk to us and explore the SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
Can I have Interest-Only (I/O) period on my SMSF property loan?Yes, most lenders offer Interest-Only period of up to 5 years on SMSF lending. If you have questions around Interest Only (I/O) repayment options, talk to us and discuss SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
How much can I borrow?The amount you can borrow to buy or refinance an SMSF property will depend on lender policy and meeting the lenders' debt servicing requirements. For example, one of the lenders on our panel can lend up to $3 million on one property. If you have questions around how much you can borrow, talk to us and discuss SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
What is considered acceptable income to an SMSF lender?The income requirement for SMSF lending differs somewhat from a traditional home loan or a conventional commercial property loan. Generally speaking, an SMSF lender can accept incomes in these forms: The compulsory members' Superannuation contributions to the fund The voluntary Superannuation contributions to the fund, satisfactorily evidenced that the contribution is recurring. Other income within the SMSF such as dividends from shares and interest income from cash management accounts Indicative rental income from properties within the SMSF (if untenanted) Rental income from the property within the SMSF (if tenanted) Indicative or actual rental income from the property that the SMSF intends to purchase Salary sacrifice contributions, if the member has PAYG income Investment returns on the balance of SMSF assets To discuss acceptable SMSF income, talk to us and explore SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
Do I need to have a minimum level of assets or funds in my SMSF before I can take up a loan to buy properties in my SMSF?Although regulations do not stipulate a mandatory asset threshold within your SMSF in order to take up a loan, it is common policy for lenders to seek a minimum level of assets in your SMSF as a precondition for giving the loan. Remember that an SMSF can have a maximum of 6 members under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1993 (SIS Act). Hence SMSF members can pool their assets together to meet the lenders' minimum assets test. Assets can include equity in a property, shares or cash. To discuss assets in your SMSF, talk to us and explore SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
Can I have an offset account for my SMSF loan?Yes, you can. On our panel of lenders, we have lenders that offer offset accounts for SMSF loans, and those who do not. If you have questions about offset and redraw facilities, talk to us and explore SMSF loan facilities tailored to your circumstances.
Is there an age limit on SMSF loans?Unlike traditional lending norms, lenders typically do not have an age limit for SMSF loans or have very generous age limits. When refinancing an existing SMSF loan, most lenders will offer their maximum loan term (e.g. 30 years) without regard to the age of SMSF members. This is because the onus is on the SMSF members to downsize or sell the property (on the advice of their SMSF professionals), should they come into a situation where they are no longer able or want to meet the loan repayments. By refinancing your existing SMSF property to a new max loan term, you will reduce the monthly repayments and potentially increase your borrowing capacity for your proposed SMSF loan. If you have any questions about age limits, talk to us and discuss SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
When assessing my SMSF loan application, will lenders take into account my credit history and credit score?Yes, akin to traditional mortgage lending practices, lenders are likely to look at your credit history upon application for an SMSF loan. However, past credit impairment and judgements may not preclude the possibility of approval. We have SMSF lenders on our panel that specialise in the credit impairment space. Talk to us about your credit history, and explore SMSF loan options tailored to your circumstances.
What is the Loan-To-Value Ratio (LVR) allowed by SMSF lenders?The Loan-to-value ratio (LVR) is the amount you are borrowing, represented as a % of the value of the property you are buying. For example, if you are borrowing $800,000 to buy a $1 million property, then the LVR is 80%. For most SMSF lenders, the maximum LVR for residential property is approximately 80%, and 75% for commercial property securities. LVRs can vary across lenders. To discuss LVRs that works to your advantage, talk to us and discuss SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
What is the post settlement "Liquidity Requirement"?The "Liquidity Requirement" is typically a lender's requirement for the SMSF to hold liquid assets in the SMSF after the settlement of the property acquisition. For example, a lender may require a 10% of total lending to be in liquid assets post settlement. Hence, if you borrow $500,000 to buy a property, then you may be required to have $50,000 cash in your SMSF after settlement. This is ensure that the SMSF can meet its loan obligations comfortably post settlement. Different lenders will have different liquidity rules. And many lenders do not have a liquidity requirement. To discuss assets in your SMSF, talk to us and explore SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
Can I have an SMSF loan pre-approval before I go looking for a property?Yes, our lenders can provide a pre-approval so that you can shop for a residential or commercial property with confidence. To obtain a pre-approval for your SMSF loan, talk to us and explore the SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
Will a lender ask for a personal guarantee on SMSF loans?A personal guarantee is a promise made by a guarantor that they will meet the SMSF's obligations if the SMSF defaults on the mortgage. Under this arrangement, the lender will typically seek an individual guarantor (usually an SMSF member, trustee, or a close third-party) to guarantee the loan, thereby assuming responsibility for the debt should the SMSF fail to meet its obligations. If the SMSF defaults on the loan and the property secured by the loan is subsequently sold, the lender has the legal right to recover any shortfall from the guarantor. This shortfall represents the difference between the outstanding loan amount (plus any lender fees) and the proceeds obtained from the property sale. To learn more, read this post Personal Guarantees on SMSF Loans Not all lenders will ask for a personal guarantee, though some will because of the Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements (LRBA) protection available to SMSFs. Talk to us to explore your SMSF lending options and for questions about SMSF personal guarantees.
I am high net-worth (HNW). Can I get special interest rates for SMSF loans?Yes. The lenders on our panel have special discounted rates, lower fees and more flexible policies for high net-worth customers. If you have more than AUD$1.0 Million in your SMSF, then talk to us and explore the advantages available to high net-worth customers.
Can I get an SMSF loan pre-approval first before I set up my SMSF?Yes, most definitely. Our team can obtain a pre-approval from our lenders first before you set up your SMSF. And if you are new to SMSF, our team can help you with SMSF set up so that you won't be doing this alone. In collaboration with a leading law firm in Sydney, our property lawyers are ready to help you set up your SMSF correctly. Of course, you can also seek help and advice from other SMSF professionals such as your accountant regarding SMSF set up. So talk to us and explore how we can help.
I am self-employed and do not make regular Super contributions. How much can I borrow?If you are self-employed, lenders will typically look at your Super contributions for the most recent 1 to 2 years to assess the amount you can borrow. However, if you have not made sufficient contributions to your super fund for the last 1 to 2 years, it makes sense that you might want to contribute a lump sum into your existing SMSF or to a newly created SMSF to meet lender requirements. Still, to ascertain your borrowing capacity, lenders are likely to ask for documents about your business financials, your individual tax returns, and the individual's ATO Notice of Assessments (NOA) to help lenders assess the amount that you can borrow. Keep in mind that every lender is different when it comes to SMSF lending policies. High net worth clients may have more flexibilities around policy. To find out how much you can borrow, talk to us and learn how we can help self-employed customers buy properties in their SMSF.
I am self-employed. Can I get an SMSF loan?Yes, most definitely. The lenders on our panel offer SMSF property loans at attractive rates to self-employed individuals, regardless of whether you already have an existing SMSF or not. Talk to us and learn how we can help self-employed customers buy properties in their SMSF.
Can I buy both residential and commercial properties within my SMSF?Yes, most lenders on the market will accept both residential and commercial property securities so that you are able to borrow the necessary funds to purchase residential and/or commercial properties in Australia. If you have questions around properties, talk to us and discuss SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
When applying for an SMSF loan, will the lender look at my living expenses?Lenders typically will not look at your personal living expenses, or use HEM (Household Expenditure Measure) for SMSF loans if your Super Guarantee (SG) contributions and rental income from SMSF properties is able to service the proposed loan amount. Nonetheless, there are some circumstances where the lender may need to look at your living expenses especially if you are relying on proposed contributions to service the loan. Lending policies differ between lenders. If you have questions around living expenses and how much you can borrow, talk to us and explore SMSF loan options tailored to your circumstances.
What is a Solicitors Certificate, and why would the lender ask me for one?A Solicitors Certificate is used to assure the lender that your solicitor has explained your obligations under the SMSF loan documents. SMSF lenders will often ask for a Solicitor's Certificate so that you understand the loan documents and have not been duly influenced by a third party. The Solicitors Certificate affirms that you have received independent legal advice and you understand the potential risks and liabilities involved in signing the loan documents. A Solicitors Certificate is typically a condition of formal approval and is explained in the pre-approval stage. If a Solicitors Certificate has been issued previously, some lenders can accept the existing legal advice that was offered to the borrower, and the borrower is not required to obtain a new certificate. When it comes to SMSF loans and Solicitors Certificate, you are not navigating this journey alone. Our team can assist. Talk to us and explore SMSF loan options tailored to your circumstances.
Can I use solely rental income from SMSF properties to service the loan without relying on members' super contribution?Yes. If the rental income within the SMSF is sufficient to service the proposed lending, then, generally speaking, lenders can accept the rental income to service the proposed loan without relying on members' contributions. For example, if you have other properties within your SMSF earning rental income, and if that rental income is sufficient to service the proposed loan without relying on members' contributions to the SMSF, then some lenders may not require evidence of member contributions. Nonetheless, lenders have different income policies around SMSF lending, and policies can change. Hence talk to us and explore SMSF loan options tailored to your circumstances.
I make additional Super contribution above the Super Guarantee (SG). Will this help me to borrow more?Generally speaking, yes. Most SMSF lenders will accept the additional Super contribution above the minimum Super Guarantee (SG) contribution. The policies on additional Super contribution will vary between lenders, so please talk to us and explore SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
Can I take a "cash out" from my existing SMSF properties to use as a deposit for the next SMSF property I want to buy?No. Lenders will not allow you to take a cash-out or use the equity from your existing SMSF properties as a "deposit" for the next SMSF property you want to buy. Succinctly, lenders will not allow clients to take a "cash out" from the properties held within the SMSF for non-compliant purposes. If you have questions around deposits for SMSF properties, talk to us and explore SMSF loan options tailored to your circumstances.
To obtain an SMSF loan, do all members in the SMSF need to contribute to the SMSF?To obtain an SMSF loan, lenders typically do not require all the SMSF members to contribute to the SMSF. For example, if the SMSF consists of only two members, and only one member contributes to the SMSF, then that contribution is still acceptable to the lender. Nonetheless, lender policies can vary and change at any time. If you have questions about SMSF contributions, talk to us and explore SMSF loan options tailored to your circumstances.
If I have an existing SMSF mortgage for the last 8 years, can I refinance to another 30 year term?Yes, absolutely. You can refinance your existing mortgage to a new maximum loan term (e.g. 30 years) with a new lender without regards to the remaining loan term or your age. By refinancing your existing SMSF property to a new maximum loan term, you will not only reduce the monthly repayments but also potentially increase your borrowing capacity for another SMSF loan. Our panel of lenders offers a diverse range of SMSF loan products to suit you. Talk to us and discuss SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
Can I buy a house and land package inside my SMSF?Yes you can but not all lenders will lend for construction and/or for house & land packages. If you wish to do construction or buy a house & land package within your SMSF, please talk to us for a personalised solution.
Can I have a redraw facility on my SMSF loan?Yes, some lenders will offer a redraw facility that is compliant with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1993 (also known as the SIS Act). Under the SIS Act, you are allowed to redraw funds for SIS Act compliant purposes including property repairs and maintenance, as long as there are no major improvements or structural changes being made to the property. In addition, the lender may also limit to the number of draw down per year, as well as the redraw limit. Nonetheless, not all lenders offer a redraw facility. If you have questions around offset and redraw facilities, talk to us and explore SMSF loan facilities that are tailored to your circumstances.
My existing SMSF mortgage has a break-fee. Does it still make sense to refinance?Our team will review the terms of your existing SMSF loan and do a careful analysis of the costs and benefits of refinancing. We will apply Best Interest Duty. This means that we will only recommend a refinance only if it make financial sense to do so. Reviewing your existing SMSF loans could save you big. So talk to us and explore how simple it is to review your existing SMSF loans.
Can I refinance my existing SMSF loans seamlessly?Yes, if you have an existing SMSF mortgage with another lender, our team can help you to refinance your loan with ease. Generally speaking, the SMSF refinancing process is more streamlined compared to conventional home loans and commercial property loans. Furthermore, you can also refinance your existing SMSF mortgage to a new maximum loan term (e.g. 30 years) with a new lender without regards to the remaining loan term or your age. By refinancing your existing SMSF property to a new maximum loan term, you will not only reduce the monthly repayments but also potentially increase your borrowing capacity for another SMSF loan. Our panel of lenders offers a diverse range of SMSF loan products to suit you. Talk to us and discuss SMSF lending options tailored to your circumstances.
Is my SMSF costing me?If you have an SMSF and existing property loans, you should review these regularly to save on fees and charges. If it makes sense to do so, you can refinance your SMSF loans just as if you would on your traditional home loans and commercial property loans. SMSF interest rates are typically higher than conventional home loan rates so talk to us to do an SMSF health check to ensure that you are not paying more than you should.
How many members can an SMSF have?SMSFs can have a maximum of 6 members, though restrictions may apply in some States for individual trustees. All members will need to be either individual trustees or directors of a corporate trustee of the Self-Managed Super Fund. This means all members are involved in managing the SMSF.
Do I need to have a minimum amount of assets or funds before I can start my own Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF)?No, you don't need to have a minimum amount of assets or funds before you are allowed to start your own SMSF. Nonetheless, considering the initial and ongoing expenses of starting and upkeeping an SMSF, you are more likely to realise a net financial benefit when you have $200,000 or more in your SMSF. Please should speak to an SMSF professional regarding the cost-benefit of having your own SMSF.
Should I choose individual trustees or corporate trustees for my SMSF structure?For SMSF structures, you can choose individual trustees or a corporate trustee. A corporate trustee is essentially a company acting as trustee for the SMSF. Most lenders will only lend to an SMSF with corporate trustees. For borrowing purposes, it is preferable to have a corporate trustee structure, though you should discuss this decision with an SMSF professional. For more information, please see ATO page on Choose individual trustees or a corporate trustee.
Can I be a trustee of an SMSF if I am still an undischarged bankrupt?You cannot be a trustee of an SMSF while you are an undischarged bankrupt. Also, you cannot remain a trustee if you become bankrupt or insolvent after you are appointed. For more information, see ATO page on Appoint your trustees and directors.
What types of trust structures should I set up so that I can get a loan to buy a property within my SMSF?To take up a loan to buy a property within your SMSF, there are typically two trust deeds to set up. The first trust deed is the SMSF trust, who is the borrower. The second trust deed is the bare trust to hold the property. The SMSF members will only need to set up the SMSF trust once, though the members can make changes to the trust later such as adding or removing other members. In addition to your SMSF trust, you typically need to set up a bare trust to purchase a property within your SMSF. The bare trust is a separate legal entity that holds the property title on behalf of the SMSF, which is necessary when the SMSF takes out a loan to buy the property. It’s important to note that only a single title can be held by any one bare trust. Therefore, if you’re buying a single property, one bare trust is required. If you’re purchasing multiple properties, each with a separate title, you would need a bare trust for each one. If you have questions around this, talk to us to discuss your SMSF lending options and set up.
Can Fairlane Finance help me to set up my SMSF?Yes, our team can definitely help. Through our collaboration with a leading boutique law firm in Sydney, our property lawyers can assist you to set up your SMSF. If you are new to SMSF, you won't be doing this alone. Our team will be with you all the way so that you set up your SMSF correctly, and to help you apply for your SMSF loans. Talk to us regarding special offers on new SMSF set up, and to explore SMSF lending options tailored to your unique circumstances.
What are the SMSF rules, laws and regulations in Australia?Self-Managed Super Fund are governed by the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1993 , also known as the SIS Act, and regulated by the Australian Tax Office. To learn more, read this post on Understanding SMSF Rules, Laws And Regulations.
I live in other States in Australia. Can Fairlane Finance help me?Yes, most definitely. It doesn't matter which State in Australia you reside in. If you are new to SMSF, you won't be doing this alone. Regardless of which State you live in, our team will be with you all the way so that you set up your SMSF correctly, and to help you apply for your SMSF loans. Talk to us regarding special offers on SMSF set up, and explore SMSF lending options tailored to your unique circumstances.
I am currently living overseas. Can I set up my SMSF while residing overseas?If you are currently residing overseas for a temporary period, then yes, you are allowed to set up and manage a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) from overseas. The Australian Tax Office's (ATO) temporary absence rules typically permit an SMSF Trustee to reside overseas for a maximum duration of two years, though exceptions can apply. If you are currently residing overseas, talk to us to explore SMSF lending options unique to your circumstances.
Do I need to be over 18 years old to start an SMSF?Yes. Anyone 18 years old or over can be a trustee or director of an SMSF so long as they're not under a legal disability (such as mental incapacity) or a disqualified person. Members under 18 years old can't be a trustee or director. However, a parent, guardian or legal personal representative can be a trustee or director on their behalf.
Can I buy a commercial property in my SMSF and rent it back to myself?Yes you can. If a business related to the SMSF member wants to rent the commercial property, then that is allowed under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1993. As always, speak to an SMSF professional to obtain advice around your unique circumstances.
I am a discharged bankrupt and have existing credit issues, am I still eligible to apply for an SMSF loan?Yes, we have lenders on our panel that can consider credit impaired customers, including customers who are discharged bankrupt, or who have paid or unpaid defaults etc. Please talk to us to explore your SMSF options unique to your circumstances.
Is there a periodical SMSF audit?Yes, all SMSF funds are audited every year. Speak to your SMSF professional or accountant on your compliance obligations. To buy properties in your SMSF, talk to us and explore SMSF loan options tailored to your circumstances.
I intend to move overseas. Can I still borrow funds to buy a property within my SMSF?Generally speaking, SMSF members need to meet the SMSF residency rules. Lenders typically will not lend funds to non-residents though exceptions can apply if you are temporarily overseas. Your SMSF needs to be resident regulated super fund at all times during the financial year to receive tax concessions. SMSFs' that fails the residency test could become non-compliant, lose tax concessions and potentially be liable for the maximum tax rates and penalties. As SMSF residency is a complex topic, you can learn more on the Australian Tax Office's (ATO) Check your fund is an Australian super fund. If you are planning to live overseas temporarily or are living overseas temporarily, talk to us to explore SMSF lending options unique to your circumstances.
What is Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement (LRBA)?Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement (LRBA) is a specific borrowing arrangement within an SMSF that limits the lender’s recourse to the asset itself (hence the term “limited recourse”). The lender is unable to liquidate other assets within the SMSF to recoup outstanding debt. Read this article on LRBA.
Can I buy a house in my SMSF and live in it? Or rent to my friends or family?Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1993 (also known the SIS Act), a residential property acquired by an SMSF must be rented to third parties unrelated to the SMSF members. So the short answer is no. You can't live in it or rent the residential property out to related parties. As always, speak to an SMSF professional to obtain advice around your unique circumstances.
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